Friday, August 15, 2008

Little Snowflake's Big Adventure

This is a book about a little snowflake who really wanted to be a part of the kids' special snowman.  The kids' names were Anna, Jacob, Greg and Julian.  He went on an adventure.  It was complicated for him to be a part of the special snowman, because he landed on stuff that he was not supposed to land on.  The snowflake landed on a goose and on a rock.  The little snowflake's wish was to be a part of the kids' snowman.  Anna saw the little snowflake on a rock.  So she added the snowflake to the snowman.  He was the twinkle in his eye.  The parts of the snowman are the eyes, the rocks, and the hat - that was Jacob's.  The nose was a carrot.

This book was given to my brother.  We like it a lot.

- Claire


In the story, Cinderella wants to go to the Ball, but she doesn't have a dress.  She finally got to the Ball and the Prince wants to marry her, but she left at 12 midnight.   He said, "Stop!"  But she didn't stop. 

My favorite part was when she was dancing in the Ball with the Prince.  My favorite character was Cinderella.  She was happy after she married.  Did you know that Cinderella really doesn't have to wear the good dress?

- Aditi

Goodnight Moon

The story is about a baby bunny who is getting ready for bed and he says goodnight to everything before going to sleep.  The main characters are the baby bunny, the mouse and the kittens.  The setting is the baby bunny's room.

- Malini


My favorite poem is The Black Widow Spider on page 18.  I think this poem is cool because there are black clothes in the web.  The characters are insects.  I recommend this book to people who like bugs or poems.  The pictures are very cool.  They are very colorful and artistic.

- Addie

Nicki (American Girl Today)

This book is about a little girl named Nicki.  Nicki is ten years old.  Nicki lives in Colorado.  She has a little brother.  Nicki and her mom are training a service dog named Sprocket.  My favorite part was when Sprocket ate pizza.  Two new girls came to her school.  Their names are Kris and Heather.  Nicki promised her friends and family she would help them with projects.  She had a hard time keeping her promises.  In the end, she does well training Sprocket and helps her friends.


Wayside School is Falling Down

One kid named Ron did not bring his lunch.  Unluckily, school lunch was Ms. Mush's specialty - Mushroom Surprise.  The only person in the school who ate it was Louis, the yard teacher.  Ron was in line, he asked Ms. Mush for the Mushroom Surprise.  Ms. Mush was so happy she started to cry.  When Ron got to his seat everyone crowded around him.  He took one small bite.  One kid asked, "What is the surprise?"  He said, "Bananas and spinach."  Every time, there was a new surprise.  When Ms. Jews even came over it was different.  Read this book to hear all the other funny stories.  I suggest this for kids from 8-11 years old.


Star Wars: Boba Fett: The Fight to Survive

This story is about a kid named Boba Fett.  He is the son of Jango Fett.  This story takes place in Star Wars II: Clone Wars.  Before Jango died he told his son, Boba, to find Dooku and become a bounty hunter.  Boba got into a lot of trouble during the hunt for Dooku.  Will he succeed?  Check this book out to see.  My favorite part is when Obi Wan Kenobi, Anakin and Padme are hanging from poles.  They are supposed to die, but they get saved by the 200 other Jedi!


Star Wars: Galactic Crisis!

The book is about the starting of the Clone Wars.  A clone is a warrior with a mostly white armor.  There are 200,000 clone troops and 90 clones are in a troop.  They are the same army but there are different ranks.  200 Jedi and millions of clone troops came in gun ships to battle the droids on Georosis.


Diary of a Wimpy Kid

The Diary of a Wimpy Kid is a story about Greg, a 6th grader who thinks he is a wimpy kid.  His mom bought him a diary for him to write down his feelings.  He hates the word diary and calls it a journal.  The other characters in the story are his brothers, Roderick and Manny and Rowley, his best friend.  In his diary he writes about himself, his family, friends and other people.  For example, Greg writes about his bad experiences at school like getting shoved, teased, and punished.  But he also writes about what he and his best friend do when they get together.  Stories about how his dad punishes him to teach him to be a better person are also in the diary.

Greg was my favorite character because I could relate to his experiences and how he felt.  I also like Greg because he and Rowley write comic books and I love comic books.  My favorite part of the book was the comic illustrations.

I enjoyed reading the book because it was funny.  I like it so much I asked my mom to buy the second book, The Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Roderick Rules!


Mrs. Roopy is Loopy!

This book is about Mrs. Roopy and she keeps thinking she is somebody else.  The main characters are A.J., Andrea, Emily, Michael, Ryan and Mrs. Roopy.  The setting is at school.  The first day Mrs. Roopy comes dressed as George Washington and she says that she is him.  The next day she is rejulare and she says she wasn't there yesterday.  The next day Mrs. Roopy is Little Bo Peep and she really thinks she is these people.  If you want to know what happens next you have to read this book.

- Dori